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Finland Minister: Somalis spread like weeds and hijabis should be banned

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“Spreads and multiplies like a Somali”, “this desert monkey vomits” – Minister Wille Rydman’s old messages reveal repeated racist language

The Minister of Economic Affairs, Wille Rydman, writes in old messages seen by HS, among other things, that he would rather ban people who wear scarves instead of scarves. At the time the messages were sent, Rydman was a 30-year-old MP and a member of the Constitutional Law Committee and the Administrative Committee.

On the left, screenshots of the messages between Minister of Economy Wille Rydman (ps) and his former dating partner from 2016. On the right, Rydman at the plenary session of the parliament in Helsinki in January 2023. On the left, screenshots of the messages between Minister of Economy Wille Rydman (ps) and his former dating partner from 2016. On the right, Rydman’s plenary session in Helsinki in January 2023.

ECONOMY MINISTER Wille Rydman (ps) has used racist language and shared racist content in his recent private messages.

The messages seen by Helsingin Sanomat were sent in 2016. At the time, Rydman was a 30-year-old member of parliament, a member of the Constitutional Law Committee and the Administrative Committee, a Helsinki city councilor and held several other positions of trust.

HS reports on the messages because Rydman is one of Finland’s highest political power-holders as a minister. The messages describe how the minister-appointed politician has treated minorities while holding significant political positions.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (Kok) has demanded that every minister resign from racism. The issue of extremist thinking drove the government into crisis in the summer. The discussion started when it was revealed that Minister of Economic Affairs Vilhelm Junnila (ps) had flirted with anti-Semitic and racist symbolism.

Rydman was chosen to replace the resigned Junnila.

The editor-in-chief of HS, Laura Saarikoski, justifies the publication of the messages: “The Minister’s opinions are of general importance”

HS HAS BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE MESSAGES DISCUSSED IN THIS STORY SENT BY RYDMAN’S DATING PARTNER Amanda Blick, who was around 20 years old at the time, on her mobile device and has seen their context.

Rydman and Blick parted ways after about a year of dating.

Blick was also one of several interviewees in a story published by Helsingin Sanomat in the summer of 2022 , which dealt with young women’s experiences of Rydman’s oppressive behavior. Rydman has requested an investigation into the matter and the police is conducting a preliminary investigation.

At the beginning of this year, Rydman switched from the coalition to Basic Finns and was re-elected to the parliament in the April elections.

HS twice asked Minister Rydman to comment on the messages, but he did not respond to the editorial’s contacts. HS sent the messages discussed in this story to the minister for comment. Rydman published an interview request on social media and announced that he would not comment on the matter.

In the published messages, Rydman’s private life is ignored only to the extent that it is necessary to deal with a matter of social importance. In principle, the recipient of the messages has the right to publish the messages they receive.

IN 2016, Rydman was a member of the Constitutional Law Committee, ensuring that the bills are in accordance with the Constitution. The central fundamental right protected by the Constitution is the equality of people. In the administrative committee, he influenced the legislation regarding immigration and immigrants.

In the summer of the same year, Rydman discussed planting a flower bed with his dating partner.

Blick writes in his message that he would also like to keep the languages. Rydman says that he doesn’t recommend this because the ban “spreads recklessly like a weed and pushes others out of its way.”

But when that bane has been brought to this plot once, it can be found everywhere when it spreads and multiplies like Somali , Rydman writes and continues:

So, if you want Somali languages ​​for a flower bed, you can find them here and you can transfer them.

Wille Rydman wrote in his message to his former dating partner that the language is "spreading and multiplying like Somali".

Wille Rydman wrote in his message to his former dating partner that the language is “spreading and multiplying like Somali”.

IN A MESSAGE WRITTEN IN SEPTEMBER 2016, Rydman writes to his girlfriend that he has just received in his pocket “a re-lyric written by hand to the song ‘Sininen ja valkino'” on the other side of the agenda of a meeting.

In his message with a smiling emoticon, Rydman states that the song could be suitable for sitsis, i.e. student parties.

The song is about a Muslim who leaves his homeland. The lyrics include, among other things, the following:

The roots spread it to the ground

pond and pond.

Muijan Lous, however,

I raped her in the park.

The minaret’s call rings,

greetings imam brought:

death of the dangerous believer,

in heaven that virgin.

The song was written by Juho Eerola , a member of parliament from the Fundamental Finns , who sat with Rydman on the administrative committee and served as the chairman of the committee. Eerola tells HS that he remembers that the song is originally from 2008, but he wrote a new version of it after a lot of asylum seekers came to Finland in the fall of 2015.

Wille Rydman sent his dating partner a song written by Juho Eerola, a member of parliament from the Basic Finns.

Wille Rydman sent his dating partner a song written by Juho Eerola, a member of parliament from the Basic Finns.

RYDMAN sent the song to his former dating partner a few hours after the board of directors had concluded its meeting that day. The meeting discussed, among other things, bills related to international protection, victims of human trafficking and the Aliens Act. Both Rydman and Eerola were there.

Eerola remembers that someone asked him to write down the words of the song, and he may well have written the words on the back of the agenda of the committee meeting, before or after the meeting.

Eerola does not consider it inappropriate that he has shared the words of such a song with his colleague while on vacation from parliamentary work and while serving as committee chairman.

“We have artistic freedom, of course we can write,” Eerola tells HS.

Eerola served as second deputy speaker of the parliament during the last government term.

RYDMAN also discusses Muslims in another post.

Blick writes that he is happy about Helsingin Sanomat’s news about Belgium, according to which the employer may get the right to ban Muslims from wearing headscarves in the workplace.

I would still rather ban people wearing scarves than those scarves , Rydman answers.

In two of his posts, Rydman discusses people who are from the Middle East or have an ethnic background from the region. He calls them “monkeys” and “desert monkeys”.

The first message is related to the fact that the embassy of a Middle Eastern country had not agreed to serve Blick in a work matter because she is a woman.

Rydman marvels at the activity and calls “Middle Eastern jeeps” “incomprehensible monkeys”.

Later, Rydman commented on the news about a criminal investigation in which a public figure was suspected of embezzlement. Rydman states: “To hell with this desert monkey throwing up on me”.

The father of the man who was the subject of criminal suspicion is from the Middle East.

The public figure in question later received a suspended prison sentence after filming dozens of women secretly during sex and showing the videos to others as well.

Wille Rydman's messages to his former dating partner.  The messages have been sent at different times.

Wille Rydman’s messages to his former dating partner. The messages have been sent at different times.

IN ONE OF his messages, Rydman ponders the inheritance of his brown eye color:

Even if I bred with a pitch black Nigerian negro, the child would still have a 26% chance of having green eyes .

In one message, Blick, on the other hand, says that if he were to have a child, he would like a Hebrew name for it, such as Immanuel.

Rydman answers: We Nazis don’t really like that kind of gossip.

Messages from Wille Rydman to Amanda Blick.  The messages have been sent at different times.

Messages from Wille Rydman to Amanda Blick. The messages have been sent at different times.

Blick has previously posted this message on social media, as well as Rydman’s messages regarding his visit to Germany.

In them, Rydman laments, among other things, that Germany has let its Nazi monuments fall into disrepair because “they are memories of a sad past”, and says that Germans are “completely blind” in relation to their past.

The German media Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on these messages on July 6. The newspaper also published a message in which Rydman had written that “we Nazis don’t really like such gossip”.

BLICK says she was 19 years old when she got in touch with Rydman and 20-21 years old at the time of the relationship. Blick says that he considered the MP, who is about ten years older, to be his political role model.

At the beginning of the relationship, in a message seen by HS, Blick defended his student friend Rydman, whose skin color differs from the mainstream population, and wrote that ethnic background does not make anyone worse.

According to Blick , Rydman’s frequent use of racist language began to feel normal as the relationship progressed and affected his own thinking and language use.

However, in the messages seen by HS, where Rydman writes racist, Rydman does so on his own initiative.

Blick says that he has thought about what effect the publication of the messages will have on the government’s situation. Blick is a member of the coalition and says that he thinks the government’s program is good in many respects. However, he says that he is worried if the values ​​of politicians deviate from the public image and remain hidden from citizens.

“Few politicians would say such things in public.”

DURING HIS POLITICAL CAREER , RYDMAN has profiled himself as a politician who strongly criticizes immigration. His views have repeatedly rubbed off in the assembly.

In 2010, Rydman, who served as the chairman of the Koumupu Youth, angered his party’s foreign minister, Alexander Stubb , by saying that Finland should not accept a single quota refugee. Stubb stated at the time that in the discussion criticizing immigration, “it reeks of racism, it reeks of nationalism, populism and xenophobia”.

In 2011, the youth organization led by Rydman was on a collision course with the Prime Minister of the Norwegian Confederation, Jyrki Katainen . Katainen publicly resigned from Rydman’s position, according to which favoring minority groups would be discriminatory towards the majority.

In 2016, Rydman had an argument with Janne Pesonen, party secretary of the coalition . Rydman did not like the anti-racism campaign launched by the coalition after the terrorist attack in Brussels. Rydman saw this as an understatement of terrorism.

IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RACISM-RELATED CRISIS, THE CHAIRMEN OF THE GOVERNING PARTIES have published a statement according to which “the government and each of its ministers resigns from racism and all kinds of extremist thinking”.

The crisis related to racism has aroused internal pain, especially in the Rkp, which is in a critical position.

In addition to Junnila’s texts , the 15-year-old racist and violent writings of Riikka Purra , the minister of finance and chairman of Basic Finns, have come to light, for which Purra has apologized.

In the autumn, the government plans to issue a communication to the parliament “on the promotion of equality, equality and non-discrimination in Finnish society”.
