President Sauli Niinistö on Tuesday said that Finland´s membershi" />

Finland’s NATO membership not targeted against anyone: Niinistö

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President Sauli Niinistö on Tuesday said that Finland´s membership is not targeted against anyone and it will not bring changes the foundations or objectives of Finland’s foreign and security policy.

President Sauli Niinistö spoke on occasion of Finland´s NATO joining
in Brussels on Tuesday. Photo: President Office.

“Finland’s membership is not targeted against anyone. Nor does it change the foundations or objectives of Finland’s foreign and security policy. Finland is a stable and predictable Nordic country that seeks peaceful resolution of disputes. The principles and values that are important to Finland will continue to guide our foreign policy also in the future,” said Niinistö while speaking on the occasion of NATO joining in Brussels.


He also said that membership of the Alliance provides security for Finland and Finland, on the other hand, provides security for the Alliance, according to the statement issued by the President Officer.

Finland, committed to the security of all NATO member states, will be a reliable ally that strengthens regional stability, said the President.

Terming the joining as beginning of a new era, he said that each country maximizes its own security. So does Finland.

“At the same time, NATO membership strengthens our international position and room for manoeuvre. As a partner, we have long actively participated in NATO activities. In the future, Finland will make a contribution to NATO’s collective deterrence and defence,” Niinistö added.

He also said that as a NATO member, Finland will need readiness for change and adaptability.

“While membership does not change everything, being an ally requires us to adopt new ways of thinking and some changes in legislation as well. A lot has already been done: for years, we have been committed to develop our NATO compatibility,” said the President, adding that there is still considerable work ahead to integrate Finland’s defence as part of NATO’s common defence.

“The Defence Forces are also facing new demands and challenges to which we must respond,” he said.

“At the same time, it is clear that Finland’s most significant contribution to NATO’s collective deterrence and defence is built on the security and defence of our own territory. In this respect, the Finnish concept of comprehensive security retains its value. But we no longer do this work alone,” said the President.

Pointing out the issue of submitting NATO membership application together with Sweden, Niinistö said that Finland’s membership is not complete without that of Sweden.

“The persistent efforts for a rapid Swedish membership continue. Similarly, close cooperation continues to build common security and defence across the Nordic region,” he added.