The Sweden Democrats(SD) remain the second largest party

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The Sweden Democrats(SD) is still the second largest party, and a guaranteed increase for the Center Party. That’s what SVT/Novu’s voter barometer shows on Monday

In Novus’ latest survey, the Moderates have been heavily outflanked by the Sweden Democrats. Photo: TT/SVT

The Sweden Democrats remain the second largest party PUBLISHED TODAY 11:42 AM The Sweden Democrats are still the second largest party, and a guaranteed increase for the Center Party.

That’s what SVT/Novu’s voter barometer shows on Monday. In the fight for second place among the parties in the Riksdag, and largest party in Ulf Kristersson’s (M) government base, it is still an advantage for the Sweden Democrats.

In Monday’s voter barometer, SD gets 20.6 percent, while the Moderates get 15.8. This means that SD has now been assuredly greater than M since the daily measurements began a week ago. – This election campaign is developing into a nightmare scenario for the Moderates.

The position as the second largest party is extremely important to have, not least for Ulf Kristersson who calls himself opposition leader. If you lose that position, it becomes more difficult to legitimately claim that you are, says SVT’s domestic political commentator Mats Knutson.

He also points out that it affects the balance of power within the opposition – and that it would probably make it more difficult to form a government if the parties on the right win a majority in the election. – If SD becomes bigger than M, and Magdalena Andersson (S) also becomes prime minister, Ulf Kristersson will have to look around for a new job, says Mats Knutson.

Advantage for Andersson (S) The center party lands at 8.0 percent in the survey, and compared to three days ago, this is a statistically guaranteed increase. – This is probably an effect of the great attention surrounding the disclosure of the murder plans on Annie Lööf (C), perhaps also some sympathy.

But today it is not possible to say anything about how long-lasting this effect will be and whether it will last until election day, it could be temporary at best, says Mats Knutson. If you look at mandates in the Riksdag, it is an advantage for Magdalena Andersson’s government background. If today’s measurement were an election result, it would get 181 seats, compared to 168 for the parties that want to see Ulf Kristersson as prime minister.

– During an election campaign, public opinion is constantly changing and in daily opinion polls this has an immediate impact, which means that you have to be a little careful about drawing too safe conclusions. If you look at the surveys as a whole, it seems to be very even between the government alternatives and the election is far from decided, says Mats Knutso