Attackers seized control of a popular hotel in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, following " />

Somalia: Attackers seize control of hotel in Mogadishu . Assault in the Somali capital came after two car bomb blasts and gunfire as the armed group al-Shabab claimed responsibility.

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Attackers seized control of a popular hotel in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, following two car bomb blasts and gunfire.

Abdikadir Abdirahman, director and founder of Mogadishu’s Aamin ambulance services, said late on Friday so far nine wounded people were carried away from the hotel.

The Hayat Hotel is a popular spot in Mogadishu and is frequented by government officials
and civilians [Somali National News Agency/Twitter]

“Two car bombs targeted Hotel Hayat. One hit a barrier near the hotel and then the other hit the gate of the hotel. We believe the fighters are inside the hotel,” said a police officer, who gave his name only as Ahmed.

Two intelligence officers, who did not want to be identified, also confirmed the incident.

The al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab armed group claimed responsibility for the attack, according to a translation by the SITE Intelligence Group.

The assault triggered a fierce gunfight between security forces and gunmen who were still holed up inside the building, said security official Abdukadir Hassan.

“We don’t have the details so far but there are casualties, and the security forces are now engaging with the enemy who are holed up inside the building,” Hassan said.

The Hayat is a popular spot in Mogadishu in an area where several other hotels are located, and it is frequented by government officials and civilians.

Al-Shabab has been fighting to topple the Somali government for more than 10 years. It wants to establish its own rule based on a strict interpretation of Islamic law.

Police officers were conducting an operation aimed at stopping the attack, the state-run Somali National News Agency said on its Twitter account, citing a police spokesperson. The agency posted a picture showing smoke billowing from above the scene.
