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‘We Have to Buy Everything’: Russian Soldiers Under-Equipped In Ukraine War

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Captured Russian soldiers.Mvs.gov.ua

“If they issue you a field uniform, you’re in luck — you can save some money. We still have to buy the jacket and pants, at least as a change of clothing… I’ll be happy if our outlay on the uniforms pays off and we don’t get screwed out of our paycheck,” said one contract serviceman with Russia’s National Guard (Rosgvardia).

The men interviewed by The Moscow Times said they were promised a monthly salary of about 200,000 rubles ($3,365) if they signed a contract to join the Russian troops fighting in Ukraine – but that they would have to buy all their gear themselves.

“A Level 4 combat vest — which can stop pistol and rifle rounds as well as shrapnel — costs on average 70,000 rubles ($1,200). A helmet is another 10,000 rubles ($160). Decent boots are about 5,000 rubles ($80), and you really need two pairs. A tactical vest costs from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles ($80-160). And you also have to buy a jacket, pants, T-shirts and pullovers. That comes out to about 200,000 rubles ($3,365),” said the Rosgvardia serviceman.

A Russian soldier in a military unit near the Ural mountains told The Moscow Times that almost no equipment was provided for those heading to Ukraine.

“We have to buy everything ourselves, with our own money. I’m not even talking about modern body armor and helmets: there are no warm clothes, no dry rations or first-aid kits,” he said. “All the equipment we are fighting with in Ukraine stinks of mothballs, and the weapons jam.”
