Hezbollah has started producing drones, can create precision missiles: Nasrallah

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Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said on Wednesday the group has been producing drones and has the capability of turning thousands of rockets to precision missiles.

“We have been producing drones in Lebanon for a long time and whoever wants to buy them, submit an order,” he said in a televised speech to his followers.

Nasrallah said his group is able to transform standard rockets into precision missiles with the help of “experts” from Iran, and that the production has been prompted by arch-enemy Israel’s increased use of drone technology.

Israel has long viewed the Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon as an enemy. Lebanon and Israel are still in a formal state of war and have long contested their land and maritime borders. Israel has also carried out hundreds of air strikes in neighboring Syria in recent years against suspected Iranian military deployments or arms transfers to Hezbollah.

Israeli military officials assessed that Hezbollah’s military capabilities are the “second most serious threat” facing Israel, after an Iranian nuclear weapon.

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