The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has dis" />

PLA aircraft, vessels to deliver much-needed supplies to tsunami-hit Tonga

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The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has dispatched aircraft and vessels to deliver disaster relief supplies to Tonga after the Pacific Island nation was hit by a tsunami triggered by an undersea volcanic eruption, the Chinese defense and foreign ministries announced on Wednesday.

A Y-20 large transport aircraft attached to an aviation division under the PLA Western Theater Command flies at a predetermined altitude during a flight training mission on January 4, 2021. ( by Liu Shu)
A Y-20 large transport aircraft attached to an aviation division under the PLA Western Theater Command flies at a predetermined altitude during a flight training mission on January 4, 2021. ( by Liu Shu)

Overcoming challenges including volcanic ash, the Chinese military has dispatched transport aircraft of the PLA Air Force and vessels of the PLA Navy at Tonga’s request for volcanic eruption disaster relief, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, a spokesperson from the Ministry of National Defense, said on Wednesday in a statement.

The missions will arrive in Tonga on Thursday and Monday respectively, delivering emergency and post-disaster reconstruction supplies, including fresh water, water purifiers, tents, mobile plank houses, tractors and radio communications equipment, Wu said.

China will continue to make its best efforts and provide assistance in all forms based on Tonga’s needs for disaster relief and reconstruction, Wu said.

The first batch of supplies that will arrive on Thursday will be delivered by two PLA aircraft, and this batch, weighing a total of 33 tons, will include much-needed fresh water, food, personnel protection equipment, tents, folding beds, water purifiers and walkie-talkies, Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a routine press conference on Wednesday.

The second batch of supplies, which are being carried by PLA vessels, will include larger items, like the mobile plank houses, tractors, generators and water pumps, Zhao said.

The use of military equipment was agreed to by both sides, as airline services are suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Zhao.

Neither Wu nor Zhao revealed the types of aircraft or vessels being used.

A number of advanced ships and planes in the arsenal of the PLA are designed to be capable of carrying out military missions other than war, like disaster relief missions, observers said.

For example, the PLA Air Force operates large transport aircraft like the Y-20, which has proven its disaster relief capabilities in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic and its intercontinental flight capabilities in strategic drills in Russia, a Chinese military expert told the Global Times on Wednesday, requesting anonymity.

The PLA Navy’s amphibious landing ships like the Type 071 can carry a large number of supplies in far sea operations, the expert said.

The PLA’s overseas operational capabilities will be displayed and enhanced, as the aircraft and vessels will travel long distance between China and Tonga and overcome the challenges brought by volcanic ash, which could affect flight and navigation safety, analysts said, noting that this also shows the PLA is a force for peace.