Burkina Faso’s army said it has deposed President Roch Kabo" />

Burkina Faso army says it has deposed President Kabore(VIDEO)

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Burkina Faso’s army said it has deposed President Roch Kabore, suspended the constitution, dissolved the government and the national assembly, and closed the country’s borders.

Burkina Faso soldiers speaking on national broadcaster
Captain Sidsore Kader Ouedraogo, centre, spokesman for the military government, with uniformed soldiers announces that they have taken power in Burkina Faso [Radio Television du Burkina (RTB)/Handout via AFP]

The statement was made in the name of a previously unheard of entity, the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration or MPSR, according to its French language acronym.

“MPSR, which includes all sections of the army, has decided to end President Kabore’s post today,” it said.

The statement said the MPSR would re-establish “constitutional order” within a “reasonable time”, adding that a nationwide nightly curfew would be enforced.

The army broadcast came after two days of confusion and fear in the capital Ouagadougou, where heavy gunfire erupted at army camps on Sunday, with soldiers demanding more support for their fight against armed groups.

It was not immediately known where President Roch Marc Christian Kabore was.

Earlier, Kabore’s party said he had survived an assassination attempt, but gave no details. Several armoured vehicles belonging to the presidential fleet could be seen near Kabore’s residence on Monday, riddled with bullets. One was spattered with blood.

International reaction

Following contradictory reports on Kabore’s whereabouts, the European Union’s foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell said in a statement, “We now know that President Kabore is under the control of the military.”

United Nations chief Antonio Guterres said in a statement that he “strongly condemns any attempted takeover of government by the force of arms”, calling the events a “coup”.

The United States called “for the immediate release of President Kabore and other government officials and for members of the security forces to respect Burkina Faso’s constitution and civilian leadership”, State Department spokesman Ned Price said during a news briefing.

“We urge all sides in this fluid situation to remain calm and to seek dialogue as a means to resolve grievances,” Price said.

Before the army statement, the African Union and the West African bloc ECOWAS both condemned what they called an attempted coup in Burkina Faso, saying they held the military responsible for Kabore’s safety.

The landlocked country, one of West Africa’s poorest despite being a gold producer, has experienced numerous coups since independence from France in 1960.

Security situation

Al Jazeera’s Nicolas Haque said Damiba has support from many soldiers in Burkina Faso’s army who have been involved in fighting armed groups.

“He’s someone that’s been on the front lines and seen the casualties caused by the war going on in this region of the borders of Mali, Burkina and Niger,” said Haque, reporting from Dakar, Senegal.

“He had written a book about questioning the situation between West African armies and armed groups in the area.”

Haque said the chaos in Burkina Faso is playing right into the hands of these armed groups, who favour a government that is not made up of elected officials.

“That is what they have been trying to fight off – a democratically elected government in Ouagadougou,” he said. “At the backdrop of this is the lack of ability from the former deposed president in trying to deal with the ongoing security situation.”

Burkina Faso joins the ranks of several states in the region that are now under military rule. Mali, Guinea, and Chad have seen coups in recent years.

Adama Gaye, a Senegalese political commentator, told Al Jazeera that “the failure to govern” is at the heart of these recent events. “Anybody who has been monitoring the evolution of Burkina Faso expected this to happen – the [writing was] on the wall, clearly,” Gaye said, about the military moves on Monday.