Burhan declines EU-Troika calls for dialogue in Sudan

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After the resignation of Abdallah Hamdok, the Troika and the European Union on Tuesday urged the Commander in Chief of the Sudanese army Abdel Fattah al-Burhan to select a prime minister after a dialogue with his partners in the transition.

They stressed that continuing to rule the country alone would undermine the credibility of the transitional government and plunge the nation into conflict.

In response to this call, al-Burhan through his military spokesman declined the call of the main supporters of the economic reforms in Sudan.

“We welcome the suggestions of friends, but the most important thing is a solution that stems from the national will,” said Brig Gen al-Tahir Abu Haja, Media Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan Armed Forces in a statement released by the official Sudan News Agency.

Abu Haja stressed that the current vacuum must be filled “in the shortest possible time”.

The military official added that the army and the security forces are able to protect the transition until the establishment of a democratic civil state in Sudan.

Al-Burhan has already refused a mediation by the African Union to settle the ongoing crisis in Sudan saying he prefers internal efforts.

On October 25, the Commander in Chief of the Sudanese army dissolved the transitional government and arrested the prime minister, government officials and political leaders. Also, he declared a state of emergency in the country.

The military leader accused the FFC forces of seeking to achieve partisan interests and neglecting transition’s reforms.

In fact, he was angered by their calls for the implementation of the security reforms, which end the army economic privileges, and the handover of the Sovereign Council’s chairmanship to civilians in line with the constitutional declaration.

UN continues efforts

In New York, the UN spokesperson commented on the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General and his special envoy to end the Sudanese crisis.

“The Secretary-General continues to urge all Sudanese stakeholders to find common ground towards a path that meets the legitimate democratic aspirations of all Sudanese people,” Stéphane Dujarric.

He added that UNITAMS Head Volker Perthes continues to discuss the situation with the Sudanese stakeholders in Khartoum as he seeks to narrow the gap between the political and military leaders.

On January 4, al-Burhan received Perthes to discuss the way forwards after Hamdok’s resignation two days before.

“The two sides stressed the need to complete the structures of the transitional period and expedite the appointment of a new prime minister,” reads a statement by the Sovereign Council after the meeting.

Perthes, a day before meeting al-Burhan issued a statement calling for dialogue in Sudan.

“The lack of trust among Sudanese actors needs to be overcome through a meaningful and inclusive dialogue,” said the special envoy.

