He lay dead in an apartment for two years – the neighbor sounded the alarm

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A man lay dead in his home for two years.
A man lay dead in his home for two years. Photo: Jessica Gow / Johan Nilsson / TT

A man has been found dead in an apartment in Stockholm. According to information to SVT, the man has probably been dead for over two years before he was discovered.

 He lay dead in his apartment on Södermalm – for three years

When the police entered the apartment in southern Stockholm, the hall was so full of mail that it went all the way up to the letter box. A dead man, who was in his 75s, was found inside the home .

According to information to SVT, the man has been dead for at least two years. Among the items was an unopened letter dated February 2019 and a local newspaper from August of the same year.

Neighbor alerted police

The police entered the apartment after a neighbor alerted that they had not seen the man for a long time.

– According to our assessments, there is no suspicion of crime. The person seems to have been dead for a long time, I do not want to go into it further than that. The relatives who are present have been notified, says Lars-Erik Hedberg , group manager at the Stockholm Police’s section for serious crimes, to  SVT.
