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October 28, 2021 (KHARTOUM) – The Security Council called to restore the civilian-led transitional institutions in Sudan and to release the political detainees, increasing regional and international pressures on the military junta.

The 15-member body Thursday expressed serious concern about the recent military takeover and declaration of the state of emergency as well as the detention of the civilian leaders including Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok on 25 October.

“The members of the Security Council called upon Sudan’s military authorities to restore the civilian-led transitional government on the basis of the Constitutional Document and other foundational documents of the transition,” reads a statement by the Council on Thursday.

They further urged the parties to engage in dialogue without preconditions on the full implementation of the Constitutional Document and the Juba Peace Agreement.

(…) The members of the Security Council took note of the African Union Peace and Security Council’s Communiqué of 26 October 2021 (PSC/PR/COMM.1041 (2021),” added the statement.

The African Union PSC  on Tuesday suspended Sudan’s membership in the regional organisation until the restoration of the civilian-led authority.

Also, it requested the Chairperson of the AU Commission to dispatch a delegation to Sudan to discuss with the Sudanese stakeholders the steps needed to expedite the restoration of constitutional order in Sudan.

Al-Burhan calls to expand the basis of the transitional government and to include some political groups that were allied to the former regime.

In return, the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) reject his request but say ready to reform their cabinet and form the legislative council.
