Coronavirus: Record fall in number of infected of 3,106

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 (foto: ANSA)

(ANSA) – Rome, April 30 – Thursday saw a record drop in the number of people in Italy currently infected with the coronavirus, the Civil Protection Department said. The number fell to 101,551, some 3,106 down in 24 hours.
The drop was driven by a rise of 4,693 in the number of people to have recovered from COVID-19, taking the total up to 75,945.

The department said 27,967 people have died with the coronavirus here, up 285. There are currently 1,694 coronavirus patients in intensive care in Italy, 101 fewer than Wednesday, the civil protection department said in reporting a “steady trend”.

Civil Department chief and Coronavirus Emergency Commissioner Angelo Borrelli said Thursday’s press conference providing data on the epidemic would be the last because the emergency had entered a new phase, but the department would still supply daily updates.
“As you can see from the data,” he said, “we are heading for a new phase in the evolution of the emergency and so we have decided to interrupt here our press conferences.
“We won’t fail to supply daily updates as we have always done”.

After two months of stringent restrictions, Italy is set to start gradually easing its lockdown as of Monday. Borrelli said there was “absolutely” no need to be afraid of transport and mobility risks in phase two of the emergency as long as people respect the rules.
“Great civic sense is needed by our co-nationals,” he said.

“Everyone must only move in cases of real need and they must respect the distancing between people. If everyone respects the hygiene rules and avoids gatherings we will manage to govern the situation”.