Prohibit the circumcision of boys. It requires Moderate politician Elisabeth Elgh.

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Förbjud omskärelse av pojkar
Moderate politician Elisabeth Elgh

Obviously, the Court was aware that its decision would arouse strong reactions among the country’s many Jews and Muslims. Yet it has taken the children’s party.

En domstol i Tyskland har förbjudit omskärelse av pojkar. Distriktsdomstolen i Köln menar att religionsfriheten inte står över kravet att skona barn från misshandel.

Självklart var domstolen medveten om att dess beslut skulle väcka starka reaktioner bland landets många judar och muslimer. Ändå har den tagit barnens parti.

The German court has understood that the circumcision of young boys means that they are exposed to serious bodily injury and that their right to privacy outweighs the parents’ right to religious freedom.
Sweden goes in the opposite direction. Several regions and counties have said yes to the circumcision of boys in public health care. The reasoning is that it is better to surgery performed by doctors than by anyone, anywhere.

Most pediatric surgeons undertake not to circumcise boys. And no one will be able to force the medical profession without medical reason, prepare children for surgery, anesthetize them, operate them and to account for any medical consequences of an operation that is called for religious reasons.

There is no doubt that the boys who are circumcised are subjected to pain. Girls have thousands testified about the abuse in the form of circumcision suffered by them and which often resulted in lifelong disabilities. Their cries have been heard. Circumcision of girls is illegal in Sweden. But little boys crying and pain is the plain toward traditions that should have been relegated to the past long ago.

Sweden says no to child abuse. Circumcision of boys is qualified assault. Why does it continue?

Kasmaal Information Center
London/United Kingdom(UK)