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Allah ha u naxariisto Halyeeyad Saado Cali Warsame

Waxaa shaly lagu dilay magaalada muqdisho fanaanadii waddaniga ahayd Saado Cali Warsame oo la hubo in aay adkaandoonto in la helo cid buuxisa kaalinteedi waddanonimo iyo codkeedii aay ugu hiilin jirtay dadka laga gardaran yahay ,saado marna kalama bakhiilin codkeeda i fikradeeda cidkasta oo laga gardaran yahay.!990kii iyadoo dalka aan ka cararin diyaarna u ah […]

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Exclusive: U.N. monitors allege ‘conspiracy’ to divert Somali assets

Reuters) – A United Nations panel that monitors compliance with U.N. sanctions on Somalia has accused the country’s president, a former minister, and a U.S. law firm of conspiring to divert Somali assets recovered abroad, according to a new report. The Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group, an 8-person committee, disclosed the findings in a confidential […]

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Germany is the World Cup Champions With 1-0 Extra Time

Germany won the World Cup for the fourth time when substitute Mario Goetze volleyed in a brilliant goal The thunderous clash between Germany, Brazil’s 7-1 semi-final conquerors, and their bitter rivals had seemed headed for penalties until Andre Schuerrle escaped down the left after 113 minutes and sent in a cross that substitute Goetze controlled […]

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Somalia parliament suicide car bomb kills four

Police say the suicide bomber was prevented from approaching the heavily guarded parliament A suicide car bomb has killed at least four people near Somalia’s parliament, police and Somali media say. Reports say the bomb went off outside the main gate of parliament after guards shot at the bomber. One report quoted al-Shabab militants praising […]

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Somalia’s al-Shabab kill AU peacekeepers in Bulo-burde

At least two foreign peacekeepers have been killed in Somalia following an attack on a military base by militant Islamist group al-Shabab. Gunmen stormed the base in the central town of Bulo-burde, leading to a heavy exchange of gunfire, residents said. The town has been under siege from al-Shabab since peacekeepers took control of it […]

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U.S. Special Representative for Somalia (SRS) James P. McAnulty welcomes the June 23 signing of an agreement between the three-region and six-region state Southwest conferences to pursue a three-region state solution to include the regions of Bay, Bakool, and Lower Shabelle in southern Somalia. The United States commends the leadership of both conferences for their […]

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Gunmen kill at least 48 people in Mpeketoni, Lamu

    LAMU, KENYA: Police have confirmed at least 48 people dead in Mpeketoni, Lamu County following an attack by gunmen last night and warned the toll could rise. Other witnesses say there are more than 30 people who died in the attack by gunmen believed to be Al-shabaab from Somalia. Inspector General of Police […]

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Siikh Idriis oo ka tirsan culumada waaweeyn oo saakayna lagu dilay xaafada Likoni ee Magaalada Mombasa

Sheekh Maxamed Idiris oo ahaa Wadaad u dhashay dalka Kenya, saakayna lagu dilay xaafada Likoni ee Magaalada Mombasa, ayaa waxaa isla galabta lagu aasay Magaalada Mombasa. Boqolaal ka tirsan Muslimiinta ku dhaqan Magaalada Mombasa, ayaa isugu soo baxday aaska Sheekh Maxamed Idiris, waxaana lagu aasay Khabuuraha Muslimiinta ee Magaalada Mombasa. Dilka Sheekh Maxamed Idiris, ayaa […]

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Hoggaamiyihii Galgala SHIIKH atam oo Isasoo Dhiibay

Waxaa maanta dawladda Soomaaliya magangalyo waydiistay Shiikh Atam oo muddo dheer dagaal hubaysan kula jirayDawlad Goboleedka Buuntland isaga oo kasoo duuli jiray buuraleeyda Galgala,Shiikh Atam warsaxaafadeed uu kaga hadlayey isdhiibkiisa wuxuu ku yiri: “Anigoo ah Sheikh Maxamed Siciid Maxamed (Atom), waxaan u hayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed farriin muhiim ah. Waxaan in muddo ah u dulqaadanayey qaladka […]

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Minneapolis family worries that son, 20, is headed to Syria

minneapolis   Minneapolis family worries that son, 20, is headed to Syria Sadiyo Omar had no idea where her son had gone until the sobbing 20-year-old phoned her from Turkey on Saturday. “Why, why are you there?” she asked. Her son, Abdi Mohamed Nur, a graduate of Southwest High School in Minneapolis, gave no explanation. […]

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